Lyrics of annamayya songs
Lyrics of annamayya songs

(Let us rock the cradle with krishna), the father (janaka) of manmatha (maru), the one who held up (dhara) the earth (dharani), the repository of moral character (guna) and valor (Saure), and the enemy (are) of the demons (danava), who incarnated (avatara) as a fish (mina), a tortoise (kurma), a boar (varaha) and the king (pati) of the beasts (mrga), the lion (narasimha). Meena kurma varaaha, mrugapati avathaara, danavaare guna saure, dharani dhara maru janaka, Dolayam chala dolayam hare dolayam Let us rock the cradle/swing (dolayam) with krishna (hare) on it and set it into motion (cala). The first two characters / strophes mention 4 avatars each, while the last stanza mentions the last two avatars. The first line of each stanza describes the incarnations considered as part of the ten main incarnations or “Dasavatara”, while the second line describes the adjectives related to the avataras mentioned or the less significant names of the Lord.

lyrics of annamayya songs

The structure of each stanza has 2 lines in a stanza.

lyrics of annamayya songs

Although the first line begins with the seva (swing) sound, he then describes the ten avataras of Lord Vishnu. This Kannada keerthana is one of Annamayya’s Sankrit forms that describes the ten avatars or incarnations of Sri Maha Vishnu, as well as other adjectives used to describe Lord Vishnu.

Lyrics of annamayya songs